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Commercial Properties

Businesses or individuals who are involved in commercial real estate need attorneys who not only understand the business of real estate, but who can appreciate and recognize the urgency and operations of the underlying business being operated. Whether you are a mechanic, an accountant, a doctor, or a retail store owner- your business operations are dictating the terms of your real estate requirements.

Because The Alberto Brothers have experience in negotiating commercial leases, purchasing and selling commercial properties, property management, evictions, and zoning law, we will always aim to bring that whole skill set to every deal we represent. Our attorneys have direct experience as property managers themselves, and one of the attorneys, Rodney J. Alberto, has a bachelors degree in economics. We emphasize these facts, because we want to highlight that we appreciate your perspective-that while legal considerations are important parameters to consider, your business is more important.

Please call 732-200-0779 if you require any legal counsel or attorney review with regards to your commercial property.