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Lease Negotiation

Even in this digital age in which ”internet business” is increasingly replacing face to face transactions, the need for “brick and mortar” retail locations or corporate headquarters is still critical. That said, the process of negotiating your lease for your business can have the most dramatic impact on your bottom line. It has been our experience that commercial tenants or landlords who do not use an attorney to review their lease invariably overlooks critical areas of concern that relate to critical business operations. Instead, they are often times out negotiated.  For example, they may not have negotiated enough parking allocation.  They may not have reserved the right to sublease the space. They may not have made the lease attractive enough so that a prospective buyer would want to purchase the business. Truthfully, the examples of what might be overlooked is absolutely expansive and resists enumeration.

When reviewing these leases, you need an attorney that will rigorously brainstorm with you all foreseeable problems and help you to capitalize on all potential opportunities for gain. While this is an over-used phrase, it applies in this instance- lease negotiation is not a science, it is an art. Because just like art, the possibilities of variation in the lease is only bounded by the imagination of the individual crafting those provisions.   The Alberto Brothers Law Firm prides itself on creative and assertive lease negotiation, with an emphasis on the business needs of our clients.

Please call The Alberto Brothers Law Firm 732-200-0779 if you need a skilled and creative Real Estate Attorney to assist you in crafting a lease that situates your business for success.